Tuesday, November 4, 2008

玛瑙链坠(Agate Pendant)

玛瑙链坠(Agate Pendant)
Setting :18K GP
approx.1。2cm x 3.2cm
商品编号(Item code):A-10
价 格(Selling Price) :MYR 32.00(excluding postage)

AGATE - 化学式(SIO2)「玛瑙」是属于水晶家族成员之一,而且产量很多,几乎每个国家都有出产,因此,这漂亮的宝石,在市场的价值并不高。「玛瑙」的颜色齐 备,要集齐人体七轮所需的色种,并不困难。不论任何颜色的玛瑙,牠的能量,都有着沉厚、安定及柔和特性。所以,牠能帮助人体的每一个轮位(亦称能量中 心),达到平行、隐定。一点也不刺激地,便可加强了每一轮位的功能和力量了。此外,还可帮助个人平伏紧张的情绪。「玛瑙」更是佛教的七宝石之一,可作辟邪 用。 【特质】自古以来学者把玛瑙视为宝石中的"第三眼",象征友善的爱心,也代表希望。

All the prices listed excluded postage.
malaysia poslaju RM 6.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
malaysia poslaju RM 8.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 3.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 4.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)

no refundable/exchange once sold.

Payment method :
(a) Maybank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number:107135047908
(b) HSBC Bank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 374-238616-108
(c) CIMB Bank
Name: Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 0710-0000414-20-6
Contact details:
Email: lim.green.apple@gmail.com
MSN: limyongwei@yahoo.com
Name: Apple Lim

玛瑙链坠(Agate Pendant)

玛瑙链坠(Agate Pendant)
Setting :18K GP
approx. 2cm x 3cm
商品编号(Item code):A-11
价 格(Selling Price) :MYR 32.00(excluding postage)

AGATE - 化学式(SIO2)「玛瑙」是属于水晶家族成员之一,而且产量很多,几乎每个国家都有出产,因此,这漂亮的宝石,在市场的价值并不高。「玛瑙」的颜色齐 备,要集齐人体七轮所需的色种,并不困难。不论任何颜色的玛瑙,牠的能量,都有着沉厚、安定及柔和特性。所以,牠能帮助人体的每一个轮位(亦称能量中 心),达到平行、隐定。一点也不刺激地,便可加强了每一轮位的功能和力量了。此外,还可帮助个人平伏紧张的情绪。「玛瑙」更是佛教的七宝石之一,可作辟邪 用。 【特质】自古以来学者把玛瑙视为宝石中的"第三眼",象征友善的爱心,也代表希望。

All the prices listed excluded postage.
malaysia poslaju RM 6.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
malaysia poslaju RM 8.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 3.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 4.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)

no refundable/exchange once sold.

Payment method :
(a) Maybank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number:107135047908
(b) HSBC Bank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 374-238616-108
(c) CIMB Bank
Name: Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 0710-0000414-20-6
Contact details:
Email: lim.green.apple@gmail.com
MSN: limyongwei@yahoo.com
Name: Apple Lim

琥珀链坠(Amber Pendant)

琥珀链坠(Amber Pendant)
Setting :18K GP
approx. 2.2cm x 1.5cm
商品编号(Item code):AB-01
价 格(Selling Price) :MYR 52.00(excluding postage)

● 琥珀避邪
琥珀是護身符 – 避邪保平安,不僅古時候歐洲的十字架一定要琥珀來做,才具有避邪的效力;琥珀也是佛教七寶之一,最常拿來做成佛珠念珠等法器,密宗、回教也是一樣,琥珀是全球宗教界認同具有靈性和效能的寶石‧
● 琥珀招財
琥珀的顏色 — 金黃色系 對亞洲人而言是招財的顏色‧
● 琥珀磁場能量
古希臘人稱琥珀為 "電子",因為琥珀是絕佳的絕緣體,摩擦後會產生靜電‧根據對氣場敏感的佛學人士提示,琥珀能量是最具有穿透性,對身體健康效果好。
琥珀是藥材可入藥或泡酒來飲用,中國有一帖長生不老藥其中就包括琥珀,本草綱目則記載,琥珀可安五臟、定魂魄、消瘀血、 通五淋、壯心、明目磨翳,止心痛癲邪、療蟲毒、破結瘕、治產後血枕痛,止血生肌、合金瘡、清肺、利小腸。在歐洲則認為可治頭痛、喉嚨、膽結石、胃腸、膀胱 等疾病‧

有 這麼一個傳說:『很久,很久以前,歐洲的一位國王,將一串燦爛奪目,有如新嫁娘般美麗的琥珀項鍊獻給他的新婚妻子,他們自始至終都是如此的相愛,人人稱 羨!多年以後,他們的子孫都於結婚時,獲贈此項鍊其中的一顆琥珀,作為結婚禮物,他們也都同樣的有著幸福美滿的婚姻生活。』至此,人們更相信琥珀具有神秘 的魔力,能保佑愛情永不褪色。

再透露一個小秘密,玩琥珀的人( 做琥珀生意的人也是喔 )比較不容易生病喔‧琥珀還是中國長生不老藥的一味呢!僅供參考‧


Amber absorbs negative energies and transforms them into positive forces that stimulate the body to heal itself. It can also help counteract suicidal or depressive tendencies.

Chakra: Throat, Heart, Solar Plexus and Sacral

Astrology: Virgo, Capricorn, Cancer, Aquarius and Leo

Healing: Asthma, Constipation, Headache, SAD and Depression

*Aids depression;
*Alleviates the effects of SAD;
*Instills a sunny and positive outlook;
*Eases stress.

All the prices listed excluded postage.
malaysia poslaju RM 6.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
malaysia poslaju RM 8.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 3.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 4.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)

no refundable/exchange once sold.

Payment method :
(a) Maybank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number:107135047908
(b) HSBC Bank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 374-238616-108
(c) CIMB Bank
Name: Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 0710-0000414-20-6
Contact details:
Name: Apple Lim

钛金手排(RutilatedQuartz Bracelet)

钛金手排(RutilatedQuartz Bracelet)
手珠直径 approx. 1.1cm x 0.8cmx 0.4cm ; 长度:19cm
商品编号(Item code):RQ-01
价格(Selling Price) :MYR 46.00(excluding postage)

While most varieties of transparent quartz are valued most when they show no inclusions, some are valued chiefly because of them! The most popular of these is known as rutilated quartz. Rutilated quartz is transparent rock crystal with golden needles of rutile arrayed in patterns inside it. Each pattern is different and some are breathtakingly beautiful. The inclusions are sometimes called Venus hair. Less well known is a variety called tourmalinated quartz which, instead of golden rutile, has black or dark green tourmaline crystals.
Rutilated-Quartz protects us from unwanted energies, stimulates our spiritual developement and gives us peace, warmth and hamony.

Rutilated-Quartz has enormous and universal healing power. It stimulates and accelerates cell organisation, cell-structure as well as a new rapid tissue formation.

The most important healing power of Rutilated-Quartz lies in the area of the lungs, the bronchi and the whole respiratory system.

Rutilated-Quartz relieves coughs, asthma, throat-infections, swallowing complaints and affections of the lungs in general. Rutilated-Quartz helps with epilepsy and disturbance of the equilibrium, supports general well-being, your brian and entire immune system.

All the prices listed excluded postage.
malaysia poslaju RM 6.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
malaysia poslaju RM 8.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 3.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 4.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)

no refundable/exchange once sold.

Payment method :
(a) Maybank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number:107135047908
(b) HSBC Bank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 374-238616-108
(c) CIMB Bank
Name: Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 0710-0000414-20-6
Contact details:
Email: lim.green.apple@gmail.com
MSN: limyongwei@yahoo.com
Name: Apple Lim

玛瑙手珠(Agate Bracelet)

玛瑙手珠(Agate Bracelet)
手珠直径 approx. 1.4cmx0.9cm ; 长度:18cm
商品编号(Item code):A-12
价格(Selling Price) :MYR 45.00(excluding postage)

AGATE - 化学式(SIO2)「玛瑙」是属于水晶家族成员之一,而且产量很多,几乎每个国家都有出产,因此,这漂亮的宝石,在市场的价值并不高。「玛瑙」的颜色齐 备,要集齐人体七轮所需的色种,并不困难。不论任何颜色的玛瑙,牠的能量,都有着沉厚、安定及柔和特性。所以,牠能帮助人体的每一个轮位(亦称能量中 心),达到平行、隐定。一点也不刺激地,便可加强了每一轮位的功能和力量了。此外,还可帮助个人平伏紧张的情绪。「玛瑙」更是佛教的七宝石之一,可作辟邪 用。 【特质】自古以来学者把玛瑙视为宝石中的"第三眼",象征友善的爱心,也代表希望。

All the prices listed excluded postage.
malaysia poslaju RM 6.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
malaysia poslaju RM 8.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 3.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 4.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)

no refundable/exchange once sold.

Payment method :
(a) Maybank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number:107135047908
(b) HSBC Bank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 374-238616-108
(c) CIMB Bank
Name: Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 0710-0000414-20-6
Contact details:
Email: lim.green.apple@gmail.com
MSN: limyongwei@yahoo.com
Name: Apple Lim

黑曜石手珠(Xaga Bracelet)

黑曜石手珠(Xaga Bracelet)
手珠直径 approx. 1.4cm ; 长度:approx.19cm
商品编号(Item code):XA-01
价格(Selling Price) :MYR 45.00(excluding postage)

  由于黑曜的精纯能量,比较是属于吸纳性能量,换句话说,一般来建议黑曜需佩带右手为佳,所有的 水晶来说几乎全部都是佩带左手,惟独黑曜,是佩带右手,因为根据古中国气法,一般都是左进右出为原则,所以,左手都是进气而右手是排气,右手佩带黑曜有助 于将自身的负性能量给吸纳掉,包括比较不干净的东西或者病气,甚至是比较不好的运气都可以,而且更有效的避邪喔。
  黑曜石因为具有强大且又精纯的能量,所以可以放在煞气较重的地方,甚至做成黑曜佛像,对于避邪档煞的效果更是上乘,但是请注意,黑曜石本身主要是可以大量的吸纳负性能量,但是并不会清除,所以在一定的时间之内,一定要净化黑曜喔。由于黑曜本身是所有晶石之中,吸纳性最强的一种宝石,所以在古中国甚至西方,都喜欢用黑曜石来作为驱邪的工具甚至宝物,另外,由于黑曜对应的是海底轮,所 以对于稳定性及平和性相当有用,甚至有生病的人或者有失眠症,佩带黑曜有助于改善。一般水晶手珠都适合戴在左手,而黑曜石手珠则也可以戴在右手,以吸收掉 身上排出的负面能量。对应海底轮,可将人体的气导致下三轮,可强健肾脏,吸收病气,治疗不孕,帮助睡眠。并且据说对肝脏也有治疗的效果。 门口摆一颗黑曜石就像请了一樽门神,所以在墨西哥玛雅神殿中,常用此时才来作神兽或雕像的眼或是作为武器,工具,面具及镜子等,但如今已被盗墓者偷挖一空了,可见力量之大!

Xaga is a very protective stone, and is excellent for removing negativity. It is also excellent protection against psychic attacks. In particular Xaga protects the gentle from abuse. It is a very grounding stone, and very healing. Physically it benefits the stomach, intestines, muscle tissue, and can rid one of bacterial or viral infections. It sharpens and focuses internal and external vision, and helps get in touch with buried issues before they explode. Xaga is related to the root chakra.

Black Crystals are powerful protectors and help disperse negative energy and stress.

All the prices listed excluded postage.
malaysia poslaju RM 6.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
malaysia poslaju RM 8.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 3.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 4.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)

no refundable/exchange once sold.

Payment method :
(a) Maybank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number:107135047908
(b) HSBC Bank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 374-238616-108
(c) CIMB Bank
Name: Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 0710-0000414-20-6
Contact details:
Email: lim.green.apple@gmail.com
MSN: limyongwei@yahoo.com
Name: Apple Lim

玛瑙项链(Agate Necklace)

玛瑙项链(Agate Necklace)
珠子直径0.6cm;最大的正方形牌2cm x 2cm;长度:45cm
商品编号(Item code):A-13
价格(Selling Price) :MYR 53.00(excluding postage)

AGATE - 化学式(SIO2)「玛瑙」是属于水晶家族成员之一,而且产量很多,几乎每个国家都有出产,因此,这漂亮的宝石,在市场的价值并不高。「玛瑙」的颜色齐 备,要集齐人体七轮所需的色种,并不困难。不论任何颜色的玛瑙,牠的能量,都有着沉厚、安定及柔和特性。所以,牠能帮助人体的每一个轮位(亦称能量中 心),达到平行、隐定。一点也不刺激地,便可加强了每一轮位的功能和力量了。此外,还可帮助个人平伏紧张的情绪。「玛瑙」更是佛教的七宝石之一,可作辟邪 用。 【特质】自古以来学者把玛瑙视为宝石中的"第三眼",象征友善的爱心,也代表希望。

ll the prices listed excluded postage.
malaysia poslaju RM 6.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
malaysia poslaju RM 8.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 3.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 4.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)

no refundable/exchange once sold.

Payment method :
(a) Maybank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number:107135047908
(b) HSBC Bank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 374-238616-108
(c) CIMB Bank
Name: Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 0710-0000414-20-6
Contact details:
Email: lim.green.apple@gmail.com
MSN: limyongwei@yahoo.com
Name: Apple Lim

Monday, November 3, 2008

花型砗磲手链(Flower Tridacna Bracelet)SOLD

花型砗磲手链(Flower Tridacna Bracelet)SOLD
approx. 1.6cm 直径,长度 :16 cm
商品编号(Item code):TR-01
价 格(Selling Price) :MYR 70.00(excluding postage)

砗磲能量的功效(fluted giant clam):在砗磲能量的环境中生活不仅促进健康,而且在不知不觉中也会使运气好转,是现代人优良养生的一种方式。一、砗磲能量,增进健康,容光焕发,身 体酸痛明显改善。二、 减轻身心障碍,改变脾气,能集中注意力,提升记忆力,提高学习能力,改善睡眠。三、可以促进动植物生长,具有清洁洗净效果。四、将砗磲放入水中,水吸收砗 磲能量之后就会活化变成宇宙能量水。用砗磲能量水泡澡,不但能够消除疲劳而且能够养颜美容。五、增强体能,使精力充沛。在没有能量的帮助下,看看能举起多 重的哑铃,再将砗磲能量产品带在身上,做同样实验,结果轻易举起先前的哑铃,甚至还能举起更重的哑铃。六、 提高打坐、冥想灵修效果。七、配带砗磲饰品补充元气活力,促进血液通畅,达到祛病强身功效,这不但健康有活力,更能愈来愈年轻。八、长期配带能够活化血液 循环,增加体力,纾解压力,促进健康。九、 许多修行者,气功大师,时尚界人士,也都以砗磲当作装饰,保佑身体健康。保养纳气。

All the prices listed excluded postage.
malaysia poslaju RM 6.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
malaysia poslaju RM 8.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 3.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 4.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)

no refundable/exchange once sold.

Payment method :
(a) Maybank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number:107135047908
(b) HSBC Bank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 374-238616-108
(c) CIMB Bank
Name: Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 0710-0000414-20-6
Contact details:
Email: lim.green.apple@gmail.com
MSN: limyongwei@yahoo.com
Name: Apple Lim

彩晶手链(Mixed Stone Bracelet)SOLD

彩晶手链(Mixed Stone Bracelet)SOLD~Clear Quartz(approx.1cmx0.4cm), Garnet(approx.0.5cm), Rose Quartz(approx.1.5cm)
长度 :approx.16 cm
商品编号(Item code):MI-02
价 格(Selling Price) :MYR 30.00(excluding postage)

紅色让聯想起血液,石榴石对血液循环与荷爾蒙分泌都有一定的刺激作用,有益生殖系統及相關器官的健康,让人趴下,將 石榴石放在背面脊椎最下端尾骨的部位, 可慢慢感受其振動, 对应海底轮,可增加性能力並可藉由關想脾臟的活化來淨化脾臟,对關節炎據說也有效,但若是敏感体质或是对此做法沒有心理準備的人最好避免這樣做,以免帶來 傷害。據說還能防止蛇咬及食物中毒呢,參考就好.
可让人擁有難以抗拒的魅力,招來幸福与永恆的愛情,增加自信,对抗忧郁,帮助人面对过去的創傷回 憶,用另一個角度去詮釋理解,達到平靜喜悅的境地 。也能增加人思考時的靈感,避邪化煞,成為不受外力侵犯的護身石。(Stone of Commitment. Improve life, patience and motivations)
# Brings light and hope to your life's path
# Helps in situations of crisis.
# Fortifies courage to overcome problems.
# Opens the door for sharing with others.
# Promotes self-confidence.
# Strengthens courage, hope and trust.
# Balances the Root (Base) Chakra.

* Clear quartz is a great gemstone for meditation.
* Clear quartz enhances and focuses images when placed upon the third eye.
* Clear quartz helps with emotional healing.
* Clear quartz balances thinking in both halves of the brain.
* Clear quartz has purifying qualities.
* Clear quartz can help to recall forgotten memories.
* Clear quartz helps with psychic healing.
* Clear quartz can help to alleviates anger.
* Clear quartz protects the Aura.
* Clear quartz helps with balancing chakras.
* Clear quartz aligns and harmonizes human energies with the energies of the cosmos.
* Clear quartz amplifies, stores, transforms and focuses energy.
* Clear quartz can be used to clear all chakras.
* Clear quartz can give clarity of thought and enhance problem solving abilities.
* Clear quartz is know to be one of the most powerful of all healing gemstones.
* Clear quartz is great for digestive troubles.
* Use clear quartz in conjunction with other gemstones.
* Clear quartz helps to dissolve blockages that have been brought to the surface.
* Clear quartz helps with nausea.
* Clear quartz helps parts of the body that have lost feeling, are cold, numb or paralysed.
* Clear quartz helps with emotional healing.
* Clear quartz empowers & protects by amplifying & focusing energy.
* Clear quartz helps with diarrhea.
* Clear quartz can be used to stimulate the thyroid - place around the neck.
* Clear quartz helps with psychic healing.
* Clear quartz helps reduce a fever.
* Clear quartz helps with swelling.
* Clear quartz has been successfully used to treat vertigo.
* Clear quartz benefits the thymus and immune system.

粉 晶是爱情宝石的第一品牌,可以增强自身气场里的粉红光,粉红光也是阿佛洛狄(爱之女神)显示爱的顏色,有助于增加异性缘。若有情侣者,可以改善你与另一半 的感情。夫妻、情侣之间若经常争吵、呕气,佩戴粉晶,将有助于改善两人间的关系,并在卧室多多摆放,有助于建立一个柔情、温馨而充满爱意的小天地。




Said to encourage self-love, love of others, forgiveness, and compassion, one�s most beautiful qualities and features can come to light with this stone. Opening and balancing the second (sacral) and fourth (heart) chakras, rose quatz's cherubic energy gently removes negativity as it helps heal emotional wounds.
For people who are afraid that if they open their heart to others they will get hurt, this stone can help them let go of fear.
On the physical side, rose quartz is thought to help reduce weight and wrinkles. It has also been used to help counteract lymphatic cancer and circulatory problems.

All the prices listed excluded postage.
malaysia poslaju RM 6.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
malaysia poslaju RM 8.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 3.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 4.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)

no refundable/exchange once sold.

ayment method :
(a) Maybank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number:107135047908
(b) HSBC Bank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 374-238616-108
(c) CIMB Bank
Name: Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 0710-0000414-20-6
Contact details:
Email: lim.green.apple@gmail.com
MSN: limyongwei@yahoo.com
Name: Apple Lim

彩晶手链(Mixed Stone Bracelet)

彩晶手链(Mixed Stone Bracelet)~Clear Quartz(approx.1cmx0.4cm), Garnet(approx.0.5cm), Rose Quartz(approx.1.5cm),Actinolite Green Rutilated Quartz(approx.0.5cm)
长度 :approx.16 cm
商品编号(Item code):MI-03
价 格(Selling Price) :MYR 36。00(包括邮寄费including domestic postage,extra charges for shipping internationally.Further info,pls contact me)

紅色让聯想起血液,石榴石对血液循环与荷爾蒙分泌都有一定的刺激作用,有益生殖系統及相關器官的健康,让人趴下,將 石榴石放在背面脊椎最下端尾骨的部位, 可慢慢感受其振動, 对应海底轮,可增加性能力並可藉由關想脾臟的活化來淨化脾臟,对關節炎據說也有效,但若是敏感体质或是对此做法沒有心理準備的人最好避免這樣做,以免帶來 傷害。據說還能防止蛇咬及食物中毒呢,參考就好.
可让人擁有難以抗拒的魅力,招來幸福与永恆的愛情,增加自信,对抗忧郁,帮助人面对过去的創傷回 憶,用另一個角度去詮釋理解,達到平靜喜悅的境地 。也能增加人思考時的靈感,避邪化煞,成為不受外力侵犯的護身石。(Stone of Commitment. Improve life, patience and motivations)
# Brings light and hope to your life's path
# Helps in situations of crisis.
# Fortifies courage to overcome problems.
# Opens the door for sharing with others.
# Promotes self-confidence.
# Strengthens courage, hope and trust.
# Balances the Root (Base) Chakra.

* Clear quartz is a great gemstone for meditation.
* Clear quartz enhances and focuses images when placed upon the third eye.
* Clear quartz helps with emotional healing.
* Clear quartz balances thinking in both halves of the brain.
* Clear quartz has purifying qualities.
* Clear quartz can help to recall forgotten memories.
* Clear quartz helps with psychic healing.
* Clear quartz can help to alleviates anger.
* Clear quartz protects the Aura.
* Clear quartz helps with balancing chakras.
* Clear quartz aligns and harmonizes human energies with the energies of the cosmos.
* Clear quartz amplifies, stores, transforms and focuses energy.
* Clear quartz can be used to clear all chakras.
* Clear quartz can give clarity of thought and enhance problem solving abilities.
* Clear quartz is know to be one of the most powerful of all healing gemstones.
* Clear quartz is great for digestive troubles.
* Use clear quartz in conjunction with other gemstones.
* Clear quartz helps to dissolve blockages that have been brought to the surface.
* Clear quartz helps with nausea.
* Clear quartz helps parts of the body that have lost feeling, are cold, numb or paralysed.
* Clear quartz helps with emotional healing.
* Clear quartz empowers & protects by amplifying & focusing energy.
* Clear quartz helps with diarrhea.
* Clear quartz can be used to stimulate the thyroid - place around the neck.
* Clear quartz helps with psychic healing.
* Clear quartz helps reduce a fever.
* Clear quartz helps with swelling.
* Clear quartz has been successfully used to treat vertigo.
* Clear quartz benefits the thymus and immune system.

粉 晶是爱情宝石的第一品牌,可以增强自身气场里的粉红光,粉红光也是阿佛洛狄(爱之女神)显示爱的顏色,有助于增加异性缘。若有情侣者,可以改善你与另一半 的感情。夫妻、情侣之间若经常争吵、呕气,佩戴粉晶,将有助于改善两人间的关系,并在卧室多多摆放,有助于建立一个柔情、温馨而充满爱意的小天地。




Said to encourage self-love, love of others, forgiveness, and compassion, one�s most beautiful qualities and features can come to light with this stone. Opening and balancing the second (sacral) and fourth (heart) chakras, rose quatz's cherubic energy gently removes negativity as it helps heal emotional wounds.
For people who are afraid that if they open their heart to others they will get hurt, this stone can help them let go of fear.
On the physical side, rose quartz is thought to help reduce weight and wrinkles. It has also been used to help counteract lymphatic cancer and circulatory problems.

绿发晶能量:(Actinolite Green
Rutilated Quartz)
磁 场能量强烈。 绿发晶里的绿发可不是普通矿物质哦 ! 而是阳起石 (Actinolite) ,顾名思义对男性有威而刚的效用唷 ! 还能招财,本身非常稀有.四轮影响的腺体为心、肺、免疫系统、胸腺、淋巴腺,据说可运用绿色或粉红色光治疗心痛、心脏病、高血压、呼吸困难、紧张、失眠、 愤怒、妄想、癌症,尤其治疗癌症最好是用绿色。但由于绿发晶内部内涵物若为阳起石 , 则对生殖系统亦有帮助 , 且发晶的力量比未函发的水晶能量要强 , 使用时需多注意。招来正财,可使事业顺利,激起斗志,接受挑战 , 开拓新版图。加强加薪升官的机会。待业中的人也容易找到好工作。 出外旅游洽公时可得到贵人帮助 , 获得意外的好机会 , 另外也可以让心屝打开 , 接受并散发更多的爱。

Payment method :
(a) Maybank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number:107135047908
(b) HSBC Bank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 374-238616-108
(c) CIMB Bank
Name: Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 0710-0000414-20-6
Contact details:
Email: lim.green.apple@gmail.com
MSN: limyongwei@yahoo.com
Name: Apple Lim

彩晶手链(Mixed Stone Bracelet)

彩晶手链(Mixed Stone Bracelet)~Amethyst(approx.1cmx0.4cm), Garnet(approx.0.5cm), Rose Quartz(approx.1.5cm),Actinolite Green Rutilated Quartz(approx.0.5cm)
长度 :approx.16 cm
商品编号(Item code):MI-04
价 格(Selling Price) :MYR 30。00(excluding postage)

紅色让聯想起血液,石榴石对血液循环与荷爾蒙分泌都有一定的刺激作用,有益生殖系統及相關器官的健康,让人趴下,將 石榴石放在背面脊椎最下端尾骨的部位, 可慢慢感受其振動, 对应海底轮,可增加性能力並可藉由關想脾臟的活化來淨化脾臟,对關節炎據說也有效,但若是敏感体质或是对此做法沒有心理準備的人最好避免這樣做,以免帶來 傷害。據說還能防止蛇咬及食物中毒呢,參考就好.
可让人擁有難以抗拒的魅力,招來幸福与永恆的愛情,增加自信,对抗忧郁,帮助人面对过去的創傷回 憶,用另一個角度去詮釋理解,達到平靜喜悅的境地 。也能增加人思考時的靈感,避邪化煞,成為不受外力侵犯的護身石。(Stone of Commitment. Improve life, patience and motivations)
# Brings light and hope to your life's path
# Helps in situations of crisis.
# Fortifies courage to overcome problems.
# Opens the door for sharing with others.
# Promotes self-confidence.
# Strengthens courage, hope and trust.
# Balances the Root (Base) Chakra.

粉 晶是爱情宝石的第一品牌,可以增强自身气场里的粉红光,粉红光也是阿佛洛狄(爱之女神)显示爱的顏色,有助于增加异性缘。若有情侣者,可以改善你与另一半 的感情。夫妻、情侣之间若经常争吵、呕气,佩戴粉晶,将有助于改善两人间的关系,并在卧室多多摆放,有助于建立一个柔情、温馨而充满爱意的小天地。在任何 生意场所,多多摆放各式粉晶,有助于降低客人的警觉性、比较心与防备能力,能够放心大胆地消费。在商店,可在财位放置粉晶柱七星阵,有助于吸引客人前来消 费。对于外出的业务人员,随身佩戴粉晶,亦有助于增强与客人的关系,提高亲和力,促进商务成功。粉晶也可舒援紧张、烦燥情绪,保特心境平静。若用於治疗方 面,粉晶有助於心轮附近器官的健康,即心、肺等,促进循环系统和呼吸器官的健康.
Said to encourage self-love, love of others, forgiveness, and compassion, one�s most beautiful qualities and features can come to light with this stone. Opening and balancing the second (sacral) and fourth (heart) chakras, rose quatz's cherubic energy gently removes negativity as it helps heal emotional wounds.
For people who are afraid that if they open their heart to others they will get hurt, this stone can help them let go of fear.
On the physical side, rose quartz is thought to help reduce weight and wrinkles. It has also been used to help counteract lymphatic cancer and circulatory problems.

绿发晶能量:(Actinolite Green
Rutilated Quartz)
磁 场能量强烈。 绿发晶里的绿发可不是普通矿物质哦 ! 而是阳起石 (Actinolite) ,顾名思义对男性有威而刚的效用唷 ! 还能招财,本身非常稀有.四轮影响的腺体为心、肺、免疫系统、胸腺、淋巴腺,据说可运用绿色或粉红色光治疗心痛、心脏病、高血压、呼吸困难、紧张、失眠、 愤怒、妄想、癌症,尤其治疗癌症最好是用绿色。但由于绿发晶内部内涵物若为阳起石 , 则对生殖系统亦有帮助 , 且发晶的力量比未函发的水晶能量要强 , 使用时需多注意。招来正财,可使事业顺利,激起斗志,接受挑战 , 开拓新版图。加强加薪升官的机会。待业中的人也容易找到好工作。 出外旅游洽公时可得到贵人帮助 , 获得意外的好机会 , 另外也可以让心屝打开 , 接受并散发更多的爱。

紫 水晶代表灵性、精神、高层次的爱意,可作对仰慕者的一种定情物、信物。紫水晶作为传统意义上的护身符,通常可驱赶邪运、增强个人运气,并能促进智能,平稳 情绪,提高直觉力、帮助思考、集中注意力、增强记忆力,给人勇气与力量。紫色主宰右脑世界,即直觉与潜意识,对于白羊座来说,特别适宜拥有紫水晶,促使其 精神集中,提高思维活力,使人能在困扰中沉着思考,冷静面对现实的挑战。
Enhances psychic abilities & Spiritual awareness. Bring wisdom, balance& patient.

All the prices listed excluded postage.
malaysia poslaju RM 6.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
malaysia poslaju RM 8.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 3.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 4.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)

no refundable/exchange once sold.

Payment method :
(a) Maybank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number:107135047908
(b) HSBC Bank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 374-238616-108
(c) CIMB Bank
Name: Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 0710-0000414-20-6
Contact details:
Email: lim.green.apple@gmail.com
MSN: limyongwei@yahoo.com
Name: Apple Lim

彩晶手链(Mixed Stone Bracelet)

彩晶手链(Mixed Stone Bracelet)~Amethyst(approx.1cmx0.4cm), Clear Quartz(approx.1cmx0.4cm),,Actinolite Green Rutilated Quartz(approx.0.5cm)
长度 :approx.16 cm
商品编号(Item code):MI-05
价格 (Selling Price) :MYR 30。00(excluding postage)

绿发晶能量:(Actinolite Green
Rutilated Quartz)
磁 场能量强烈。 绿发晶里的绿发可不是普通矿物质哦 ! 而是阳起石 (Actinolite) ,顾名思义对男性有威而刚的效用唷 ! 还能招财,本身非常稀有.四轮影响的腺体为心、肺、免疫系统、胸腺、淋巴腺,据说可运用绿色或粉红色光治疗心痛、心脏病、高血压、呼吸困难、紧张、失眠、 愤怒、妄想、癌症,尤其治疗癌症最好是用绿色。但由于绿发晶内部内涵物若为阳起石 , 则对生殖系统亦有帮助 , 且发晶的力量比未函发的水晶能量要强 , 使用时需多注意。招来正财,可使事业顺利,激起斗志,接受挑战 , 开拓新版图。加强加薪升官的机会。待业中的人也容易找到好工作。 出外旅游洽公时可得到贵人帮助 , 获得意外的好机会 , 另外也可以让心屝打开 , 接受并散发更多的爱。

紫 水晶代表灵性、精神、高层次的爱意,可作对仰慕者的一种定情物、信物。紫水晶作为传统意义上的护身符,通常可驱赶邪运、增强个人运气,并能促进智能,平稳 情绪,提高直觉力、帮助思考、集中注意力、增强记忆力,给人勇气与力量。紫色主宰右脑世界,即直觉与潜意识,对于白羊座来说,特别适宜拥有紫水晶,促使其 精神集中,提高思维活力,使人能在困扰中沉着思考,冷静面对现实的挑战。
Enhances psychic abilities & Spiritual awareness. Bring wisdom, balance& patient.

* Clear quartz is a great gemstone for meditation.
* Clear quartz enhances and focuses images when placed upon the third eye.
* Clear quartz helps with emotional healing.
* Clear quartz balances thinking in both halves of the brain.
* Clear quartz has purifying qualities.
* Clear quartz can help to recall forgotten memories.
* Clear quartz helps with psychic healing.
* Clear quartz can help to alleviates anger.
* Clear quartz protects the Aura.
* Clear quartz helps with balancing chakras.
* Clear quartz aligns and harmonizes human energies with the energies of the cosmos.
* Clear quartz amplifies, stores, transforms and focuses energy.
* Clear quartz can be used to clear all chakras.
* Clear quartz can give clarity of thought and enhance problem solving abilities.
* Clear quartz is know to be one of the most powerful of all healing gemstones.
* Clear quartz is great for digestive troubles.
* Use clear quartz in conjunction with other gemstones.
* Clear quartz helps to dissolve blockages that have been brought to the surface.
* Clear quartz helps with nausea.
* Clear quartz helps parts of the body that have lost feeling, are cold, numb or paralysed.
* Clear quartz helps with emotional healing.
* Clear quartz empowers & protects by amplifying & focusing energy.
* Clear quartz helps with diarrhea.
* Clear quartz can be used to stimulate the thyroid - place around the neck.
* Clear quartz helps with psychic healing.
* Clear quartz helps reduce a fever.
* Clear quartz helps with swelling.
* Clear quartz has been successfully used to treat vertigo.
* Clear quartz benefits the thymus and immune system.

All the prices listed excluded postage.
malaysia poslaju RM 6.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
malaysia poslaju RM 8.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 3.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 4.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)

no refundable/exchange once sold.

Payment method :
(a) Maybank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number:107135047908
(b) HSBC Bank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 374-238616-108
(c) CIMB Bank
Name: Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 0710-0000414-20-6
Contact details:
Email: lim.green.apple@gmail.com
MSN: limyongwei@yahoo.com
Name: Apple Lim

彩晶手链(Mixed Stone Bracelet)

彩晶手链(Mixed Stone Bracelet)~Clear Quartz(approx.1cmx0.4cm), Garnet(approx.0.5cm), Rose Quartz(approx.1.5cm)
长度 :approx.16 cm
商品编号(Item code):MI-06
价 格(Selling Price) :MYR 30。00(excluding postage)

紅色让聯想起血液,石榴石对血液循环与荷爾蒙分泌都有一定的刺激作用,有益生殖系統及相關器官的健康,让人趴下,將 石榴石放在背面脊椎最下端尾骨的部位, 可慢慢感受其振動, 对应海底轮,可增加性能力並可藉由關想脾臟的活化來淨化脾臟,对關節炎據說也有效,但若是敏感体质或是对此做法沒有心理準備的人最好避免這樣做,以免帶來 傷害。據說還能防止蛇咬及食物中毒呢,參考就好.
可让人擁有難以抗拒的魅力,招來幸福与永恆的愛情,增加自信,对抗忧郁,帮助人面对过去的創傷回 憶,用另一個角度去詮釋理解,達到平靜喜悅的境地 。也能增加人思考時的靈感,避邪化煞,成為不受外力侵犯的護身石。(Stone of Commitment. Improve life, patience and motivations)
# Brings light and hope to your life's path
# Helps in situations of crisis.
# Fortifies courage to overcome problems.
# Opens the door for sharing with others.
# Promotes self-confidence.
# Strengthens courage, hope and trust.
# Balances the Root (Base) Chakra.

* Clear quartz is a great gemstone for meditation.
* Clear quartz enhances and focuses images when placed upon the third eye.
* Clear quartz helps with emotional healing.
* Clear quartz balances thinking in both halves of the brain.
* Clear quartz has purifying qualities.
* Clear quartz can help to recall forgotten memories.
* Clear quartz helps with psychic healing.
* Clear quartz can help to alleviates anger.
* Clear quartz protects the Aura.
* Clear quartz helps with balancing chakras.
* Clear quartz aligns and harmonizes human energies with the energies of the cosmos.
* Clear quartz amplifies, stores, transforms and focuses energy.
* Clear quartz can be used to clear all chakras.
* Clear quartz can give clarity of thought and enhance problem solving abilities.
* Clear quartz is know to be one of the most powerful of all healing gemstones.
* Clear quartz is great for digestive troubles.
* Use clear quartz in conjunction with other gemstones.
* Clear quartz helps to dissolve blockages that have been brought to the surface.
* Clear quartz helps with nausea.
* Clear quartz helps parts of the body that have lost feeling, are cold, numb or paralysed.
* Clear quartz helps with emotional healing.
* Clear quartz empowers & protects by amplifying & focusing energy.
* Clear quartz helps with diarrhea.
* Clear quartz can be used to stimulate the thyroid - place around the neck.
* Clear quartz helps with psychic healing.
* Clear quartz helps reduce a fever.
* Clear quartz helps with swelling.
* Clear quartz has been successfully used to treat vertigo.
* Clear quartz benefits the thymus and immune system.

粉 晶是爱情宝石的第一品牌,可以增强自身气场里的粉红光,粉红光也是阿佛洛狄(爱之女神)显示爱的顏色,有助于增加异性缘。若有情侣者,可以改善你与另一半 的感情。夫妻、情侣之间若经常争吵、呕气,佩戴粉晶,将有助于改善两人间的关系,并在卧室多多摆放,有助于建立一个柔情、温馨而充满爱意的小天地。




Said to encourage self-love, love of others, forgiveness, and compassion, one�s most beautiful qualities and features can come to light with this stone. Opening and balancing the second (sacral) and fourth (heart) chakras, rose quatz's cherubic energy gently removes negativity as it helps heal emotional wounds.
For people who are afraid that if they open their heart to others they will get hurt, this stone can help them let go of fear.
On the physical side, rose quartz is thought to help reduce weight and wrinkles. It has also been used to help counteract lymphatic cancer and circulatory problems.

All the prices listed excluded postage.
malaysia poslaju RM 6.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
malaysia poslaju RM 8.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 3.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 4.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)

no refundable/exchange once sold.

Payment method :
(a) Maybank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number:107135047908
(b) HSBC Bank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 374-238616-108
(c) CIMB Bank
Name: Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 0710-0000414-20-6
Contact details:
Email: lim.green.apple@gmail.com
MSN: limyongwei@yahoo.com
Name: Apple Lim

紫黄晶碎石手链(Ametrine Bracelet)SOLD

紫黄晶碎石手链(Ametrine Bracelet)SOLD
approx. 0.5cm x 1cm,长度 :16 cm
商品编号(Item code):AME-01
价格(Selling Price) :MYR 30。00(excluding postage)

功效:紫黄晶因兼具了紫晶与黄晶的特质,同时包含了2种水晶共有的特性,兼具黄水晶与紫水晶的功能,既可招来偏财运,又可守财、增强运气、改善人际关系与 开发智慧。换句话说就是具备紫水晶及黄水晶的双重功效;更可加强第六感。有化解小人的作用。具有调合两种极端能量的功能,最适合合伙事业、亲子沟通、长官 部属、情侣、夫妻间的沟通宝石。据说由于两个颜色同时存在再一颗晶石上,因此也意味着可增加佩带者的包容度,处于复杂不友善的人际关系及环境中时,可以从 容自在的协调排解周围的纠葛。
◆生理作用:黄色色光对应太阳轮,可帮助肠胃等消化器官,对胃,十二指肠,肝,胆,胰脏,甚至皮肤,横隔膜(呼吸系 统)都有助益,不同深浅的紫色光可对应眉轮及顶轮,据说可加强记忆力注意力, 帮助考运,对于脑部的病变及老化有改善的作用,对于头痛,偏头痛等症状也有舒缓的效果。
Ametrine is one of the world’s most unusual gemstones in that it is actually two gems in one! Multicolor Ametrine blends the golden sunburst of Citrine with the purple sunset of Amethyst.Ametrine is said to posses all the metaphysical benefits of both Amethyst and Citrine, as well its own unique properties. Ametrine is said to aid in meditation, relieve tension, disperse negativity and help eliminate prejudice.

All the prices listed excluded postage.
malaysia poslaju RM 6.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
malaysia poslaju RM 8.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 3.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 4.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)

no refundable/exchange once sold.

Payment method :
(a) Maybank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number:107135047908
(b) HSBC Bank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 374-238616-108
(c) CIMB Bank
Name: Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 0710-0000414-20-6
Contact details:
Email: lim.green.apple@gmail.com
MSN: limyongwei@yahoo.com
Name: Apple Lim

葫芦粉晶手链(Calabash Rose Quartz Bracelet)

葫芦粉晶手链(Calabash Rose Quartz Bracelet)
approx. 1cmx1.4cm ,长度 :16 cm
商品编号(Item code):R-01
价格(Selling Price) :MYR 30。00(excluding postage)

粉晶是爱情宝石的第一品牌,可以增强自身气场里的粉红光,粉红光也是阿佛洛狄(爱之女神)显示爱的顏色,有助 于增加异性缘。若有情侣者,可以改善你与另一半的感情。夫妻、情侣之间若经常争吵、呕气,佩戴粉晶,将有助于改善两人间的关系,并在卧室多多摆放,有助于 建立一个柔情、温馨而充满爱意的小天地。




Said to encourage self-love, love of others, forgiveness, and compassion, one�s most beautiful qualities and features can come to light with this stone. Opening and balancing the second (sacral) and fourth (heart) chakras, rose quatz's cherubic energy gently removes negativity as it helps heal emotional wounds.
For people who are afraid that if they open their heart to others they will get hurt, this stone can help them let go of fear.
On the physical side, rose quartz is thought to help reduce weight and wrinkles. It has also been used to help counteract lymphatic cancer and circulatory problems.

All the prices listed excluded postage.
malaysia poslaju RM 6.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
malaysia poslaju RM 8.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 3.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 4.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)

no refundable/exchange once sold.

Payment method :
(a) Maybank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number:107135047908
(b) HSBC Bank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 374-238616-108
(c) CIMB Bank
Name: Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 0710-0000414-20-6
Contact details:
Email: lim.green.apple@gmail.com
MSN: limyongwei@yahoo.com
Name: Apple Lim

粉晶流星雨手链(Rose Quartz Bracelet)

粉晶流星雨手链(Rose Quartz Bracelet)
approx. 1cmx0.4cm ,长度 :16 cm
商品编号(Item code):R-02
价格(Selling Price) :MYR 30。00(excluding postage)

粉晶是爱情宝石的第一品牌,可以增强自身气场里的粉红光,粉红光也是阿佛洛狄(爱之女神)显示爱的顏色,有助 于增加异性缘。若有情侣者,可以改善你与另一半的感情。夫妻、情侣之间若经常争吵、呕气,佩戴粉晶,将有助于改善两人间的关系,并在卧室多多摆放,有助于 建立一个柔情、温馨而充满爱意的小天地。




Said to encourage self-love, love of others, forgiveness, and compassion, one�s most beautiful qualities and features can come to light with this stone. Opening and balancing the second (sacral) and fourth (heart) chakras, rose quatz's cherubic energy gently removes negativity as it helps heal emotional wounds.
For people who are afraid that if they open their heart to others they will get hurt, this stone can help them let go of fear.
On the physical side, rose quartz is thought to help reduce weight and wrinkles. It has also been used to help counteract lymphatic cancer and circulatory problems.

All the prices listed excluded postage.
malaysia poslaju RM 6.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
malaysia poslaju RM 8.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 3.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 4.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)

no refundable/exchange once sold.

Payment method :
(a) Maybank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number:107135047908
(b) HSBC Bank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 374-238616-108
(c) CIMB Bank
Name: Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 0710-0000414-20-6
Contact details:
Email: lim.green.apple@gmail.com
MSN: limyongwei@yahoo.com
Name: Apple Lim