Monday, November 3, 2008

彩晶手链(Mixed Stone Bracelet)

彩晶手链(Mixed Stone Bracelet)~Amethyst(approx.1cmx0.4cm), Clear Quartz(approx.1cmx0.4cm),,Actinolite Green Rutilated Quartz(approx.0.5cm)
长度 :approx.16 cm
商品编号(Item code):MI-05
价格 (Selling Price) :MYR 30。00(excluding postage)

绿发晶能量:(Actinolite Green
Rutilated Quartz)
磁 场能量强烈。 绿发晶里的绿发可不是普通矿物质哦 ! 而是阳起石 (Actinolite) ,顾名思义对男性有威而刚的效用唷 ! 还能招财,本身非常稀有.四轮影响的腺体为心、肺、免疫系统、胸腺、淋巴腺,据说可运用绿色或粉红色光治疗心痛、心脏病、高血压、呼吸困难、紧张、失眠、 愤怒、妄想、癌症,尤其治疗癌症最好是用绿色。但由于绿发晶内部内涵物若为阳起石 , 则对生殖系统亦有帮助 , 且发晶的力量比未函发的水晶能量要强 , 使用时需多注意。招来正财,可使事业顺利,激起斗志,接受挑战 , 开拓新版图。加强加薪升官的机会。待业中的人也容易找到好工作。 出外旅游洽公时可得到贵人帮助 , 获得意外的好机会 , 另外也可以让心屝打开 , 接受并散发更多的爱。

紫 水晶代表灵性、精神、高层次的爱意,可作对仰慕者的一种定情物、信物。紫水晶作为传统意义上的护身符,通常可驱赶邪运、增强个人运气,并能促进智能,平稳 情绪,提高直觉力、帮助思考、集中注意力、增强记忆力,给人勇气与力量。紫色主宰右脑世界,即直觉与潜意识,对于白羊座来说,特别适宜拥有紫水晶,促使其 精神集中,提高思维活力,使人能在困扰中沉着思考,冷静面对现实的挑战。
Enhances psychic abilities & Spiritual awareness. Bring wisdom, balance& patient.

* Clear quartz is a great gemstone for meditation.
* Clear quartz enhances and focuses images when placed upon the third eye.
* Clear quartz helps with emotional healing.
* Clear quartz balances thinking in both halves of the brain.
* Clear quartz has purifying qualities.
* Clear quartz can help to recall forgotten memories.
* Clear quartz helps with psychic healing.
* Clear quartz can help to alleviates anger.
* Clear quartz protects the Aura.
* Clear quartz helps with balancing chakras.
* Clear quartz aligns and harmonizes human energies with the energies of the cosmos.
* Clear quartz amplifies, stores, transforms and focuses energy.
* Clear quartz can be used to clear all chakras.
* Clear quartz can give clarity of thought and enhance problem solving abilities.
* Clear quartz is know to be one of the most powerful of all healing gemstones.
* Clear quartz is great for digestive troubles.
* Use clear quartz in conjunction with other gemstones.
* Clear quartz helps to dissolve blockages that have been brought to the surface.
* Clear quartz helps with nausea.
* Clear quartz helps parts of the body that have lost feeling, are cold, numb or paralysed.
* Clear quartz helps with emotional healing.
* Clear quartz empowers & protects by amplifying & focusing energy.
* Clear quartz helps with diarrhea.
* Clear quartz can be used to stimulate the thyroid - place around the neck.
* Clear quartz helps with psychic healing.
* Clear quartz helps reduce a fever.
* Clear quartz helps with swelling.
* Clear quartz has been successfully used to treat vertigo.
* Clear quartz benefits the thymus and immune system.

All the prices listed excluded postage.
malaysia poslaju RM 6.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
malaysia poslaju RM 8.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 3.50 below 500 gram (Penisular Malaysia)
Register Mail - RM 4.50 below 500 gram (East Malaysia)

no refundable/exchange once sold.

Payment method :
(a) Maybank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number:107135047908
(b) HSBC Bank
Name : Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 374-238616-108
(c) CIMB Bank
Name: Lim Yong Wei
Account number: 0710-0000414-20-6
Contact details:
Name: Apple Lim

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